This error usually points to the mismatch between gateways, i.e., you were sending pushes to your development/sandbox build through the production gateway or vice versa. It could be possible that some of your users have another build installed on their devices.
In order to check configuration parameters, basically, it would be enough to compare application configuration and configuration in Pushwoosh Control Panel. The gateway and bundle ID should match.
How it looks in Pushwoosh Control Panel:
The application build should contain the same parameters, i.e., identical "package name" and "gateway" value.
You can check it in console logs of the device. You will find the Guide on how to obtain console logs in this article: Console-logs-and-how-to-work-with-them
The goal is to find /registerDevice method call on app start and to check the mentioned parameters.
Here is the example of /registerDevice method where package and gateway could be located:
| Pushwoosh request:
| Url:
| Payload: {"request":{"gateway":"production","jailbroken":0,"app_version":"1.9",
| Status: "200 no error"
| Response: {"status_code":200,"status_message":"OK","response":{"iosCategories":[{"categoryId":0,"buttons":[{"id":"33389","label":"test","type":"0","startApplication":0},{"id":"1233","label":"ajhdkj","type":"1","startApplication":0}]}]}}
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